Westminster Nursery provides the highest quality Trees, Shrubs, Annuals & Perennials available anywhere on Long Island. Our network of growers across the United States is at your disposal for any size or variety of plant material.
Mature estate trees up to 30’ in height age your home providing shade & privacy instantly. Flowering evergreens including Rhododendrons, Andromeda’s, Camellias & Laurels create beautiful blossoms from spring through fall. Many varieties of Hydrangea provide summer color of all shades. Beautiful perennials encourage you to experiment with different forms & textures adding your personal touch, what any planting needs to become a garden.
Of course the secret to the most beautiful gardens, perennial or otherwise, is Annuals! Fresh annuals arrive daily at Westminster Nursery from flats to four and ten inch pots. Tropical vines, hanging baskets of every variety and color, for the drama you & your garden deserve.
Call for a consultation to review your property, its potentials and its problems. Our designer can plan your garden for every season and our crews can install and maintain it in an appropriate and professional manner, guaranteeing you a beautiful and care free garden for all seasons.