1/2 Cord Rack and Cover
Measures 96″ (8 Ft.) by 48″ by 14″ Also known as a face cord, This big rack incorporates a center support and will store larger amounts of firewood.
5 Foot Rack and Cover
Measures 60″ (5 Ft.) by 48″ by 14″ For those who desire more wood storage. This size can also add a custom look for spots that this size fits most.
1/4 Cord Rack and Cover
Measurements are 48″ (4 Ft.) by 48″ by 14″ deep. Also known as 1/2 face cord. This rack assembles with only eight stainless steel bolts (included).
1/8 Cord Rack and Cover
Measures 36″ (3 Ft.) by 36″ by 10″ This Woodhaven® Firewood Rack is the right size for everyone!
We also carry the following sizes:
3/4 Cord Woodhaven® Firewood Rack (4ft x 12ft)
1 Cord Woodhaven® Firewood Rack (4ft x 16ft)